Monday, February 3, 2014


These kits can and should be used for ferry waits, stake conference trips, or even in the case of a real emergency situation.
A container – A Rubbermaid-type tote, a five gallon bucket with a lid, a small duffel or daypack-  even a reusable shopping bag will work in a pinch!
A small first aid kit- or bandages, antihistamine, medical gloves, and pain reliever- in original packaging
Wet wipes and/or a small container of hand sanitizer
Toilet paper, Kleenex, napkins or paper towels
A Large towel or small blanket
A crank flashlight or flashlight with extra batteries
A crank radio or radio with extra batteries
A Multi-tool or pliers and a knife
A Large trash bag or two
Pencil and notepad
Emergency contact list, photos of family members
Emergency cash ( a couple of loonies, townies and a 5 or a 10)in a small wallet or pouch
Snacks- Granola bars, jerky, crackers, individually wrapped small candies, small cans of tuna, apple sauce-  When buying look at the dates and pick items that will last as long as possible.
Bottled water
You can always pack more or less to suit your needs.
Other items to consider-
A small set of Scriptures
An old magazine (Friend, Ensign) and/or a puzzle book
A deck of cards or small travel type game
Pet supplies- water dish, extra leash, poop bags, treats
A small camping shovel
Wool socks
Gloves (work or winter)
Extra runners (especially if you frequently wear heels or flip-flops)
Duct tape
Remember, these kits are meant to be used, replenished and reworked often to fit your needs. This is a base for you to add to as your needs dictate.

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