Monday, May 30, 2011

Announcements for 5/30/11

Dear Sisters,

The announcements for this week-

  • The gardening Ward FHE activity for this evening is a go.  Please meet at the chapel at 6:30pm.  We will be trimming brush and weeding in preparation for tree planting.
  • There is a RS Activity Wednesday June 15th.  We will meet at the church @ 6:15 pm.  We will be singing for the seniors at Casa Loma.
  • The Stake RS Conference in Nanaimo was great!  A big thank you to those who made it possible by attending and/or contributing time/talents.

If you were unable to attend church yesterday, you may be interested in the "little" changes that occurred;  Bishop Weckesser and his counselors were released.  We now are under the leadership of Bishop B. Jones, 1st counselor G. Kramer and 2nd counselor B. Price.  I am sad to see the Bishop W. go, but offer congratulations to these men (and their families) in their new callings. I also wish the Weckessers well as they prepare to move on.

I believe that is it for this week, with love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek

Monday, May 23, 2011

Announcements for 5/23/11

Dear Sisters,
Here are this week's announcements from Relief Society:
  • The Stake R. S. Conference is next Saturday in Nanaimo.  We will be carpooling, so please meet at the Courtenay Meeting House at 9:15 (with gas money in hand, please).  The meeting will run from about 11-3 and should be fun!
  • Carol Lee is back in St. Joseph's and she would really appreciate some short visits from us.
  • We are collecting donations for Lily House; please bring a roll of toilet paper and a can of non perishable food in a baggie next Sunday.
  • Just FYI- The gardening activity that had been planned for next Monday evening may need to be postponed for a week or two due to soil conditions.
Have a great week, ladies!

With love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May Friendship-er

The Friendship-er May 2011

Dear Sisters,

During the past few months I have been attending a seminar about the process of how we gain understanding when we read literature. We have been looking closely at how the brain makes connections and inferences and how it determines importance. Since taking this course, I have been paying close attention to what my brain is doing as I am reading and I am finding the process quite fascinating. During the last class I attended, we delved into a new concept - transformation. We were looking at how the brain transforms the way it thinks about a subject, a concept, or an idea. This happens when the brain is exposed to a new way of thinking, or is introduced to new information that changes the way it originally thought.

A couple of Sundays ago, my morning didn’t start out right. We were rushed getting ready for church and then my husband and I were having a disagreement in the car on the way to church. I wanted to turn my attitude around but I found it quite difficult. I was blessed to be able to teach Sunday School that morning and when we began reading in John, I felt my thinking transform. Although what I was reading had nothing to do with the person I was trying to feel more love and compassion towards, just reading the scriptures transformed my thinking. It was a powerful and undeniable transformation of my heart, and my mind.

It is my testimony that reading the scriptures has the power to transform our thinking. For this I am truly thankful. I hope and pray that we will include this sacred text in our daily lives.

Much Love,
Sister Phebe May

Important Dates:
8          Mother’s Day
23        Victoria Day 
28        Stake R.S. Conference in Nanaimo                

May Lessons:
1          Presidency Message
8          Gospel Principles- Lesson #32 Tithes and Offerings
17        Gospel Principles- Lesson #33 Missionary Work
22        TFOT- “Pride and the Priesthood”- Dieter F. Uchtdorf pg 55 Nov. Ensign
29        Bishopric- Emergency Preparedness         

Service Projects:
Campbell soup labels for Puntledge Park School;
Boomer hats for babies;
Non-perishable food/personal hygiene items for Lilli House
Postage Stamps for the Order of the Eastern Star (see in the RS room for more information

May Birthdays:
11        Vanessa G.
15       Robyn K.
19        Rebecca W.        
20        Ashawna W.
25        Darlene N.

Groceries for our Missionaries: 
There is a basket in the kitchen – the elders appreciate your help.  Frozen food or perishables should be left in the frig/freezer.
May Visiting Teaching Message: Choose a conference talk from this month’s Ensign.
Scripture Study:
Wednesday at Sister Tyskerud’s from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.  (call to confirm)
If you require baptismal clothing, please contact Sister Britton

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekly announcements 5/2/2011

Dear Sisters,
Here are this week's announcements-
  • Sister Hargreaves spent the week-end at home with her family on a "trial-run".  She is now back in Nanaimo for a bit and appreciates a few visitors (one at a time please).
  • There is a Single Adult Conference (ages 30+) taking place in Vancouver May 20-22.  Contact Brother Tony Lee for more info.
  • Don't forget the Stake Relief Society Conference on May 28th.
  • The missionaries need us to accompany them on many of their appointments, please contact them with your availability.  Also, their dinner calendar was looking a bit sparse.
  • The 5th Sunday Lesson this month will be about emergency preparedness.  If you have any specific questions you would like addressed, send them to me and I will forward them for inclusion in the lesson.
  • Jennifer Johnson has a piano for sale.
  • Sue Gin was receiving piano lessons from the sister missionaries.  If anyone is available to continue those for her, it would be appreciated.
  • Sister Tyskerud would like to share that there will be another grain order in September.  She also suggests maybe now would be a good time to begin saving pennies so when the time comes, it won't be a hardship.
Have a great week everyone!
With Love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek