Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekly announcements 4/18/2011

Dear Sisters,

Here are this week's announcements:

  • We now have Elders in our ward, and they would like to get to know us.  Please invite them to dinner or have them come over to give you a brief message.  Dinners with investigators present will take precedence and the Elders have to limit their time to about an hour for a meal at your home.  Please understand and be flexible if they have to "eat and run" or if they have to change plans.
  • The Elders need sisters to accompany them on some of their visits with some of the investigators, please let them know if you are available to assist them with this.
  • Sister Nelson is getting a Dan-D-Bulk order together.  They no longer deal with individuals, so the order has to be placed as a group.  Please contact her before May 1st for order forms, information or to place an order.  They also do not distribute price lists, so the costs will be a rough estimate until the order actually arrives.
  • April 29th, 6:30 pm there is an adult activity.  It will be a potluck at the meeting house, followed by bowling, then dessert at the Schick's.
  • Sister L. Wannamaker is moving on Friday April 29th and will need help.
  • Sister Crystal S. will be moving out of our ward May 1st.
  • We will have a new family moving in on the 30th, they may need a few meals when they first arrive.  (Dianne may be contacting you for this.)
  • The May 29th RS/Priesthood lesson will be on Emergency Preparedness.  Please email specific questions, so the answers can researched and be made available for everyone during the lesson.

Have a great week and hope you are enjoying spring!
With love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek

Friday, April 8, 2011

The April Friendship-er

The Friendship-er     April 2011

Dear Sisters,

After General Conference, I am always filled to overflowing with the inspired messages and wonderful Spirit of our General Authorities. When I was asked to write this month's message, there was so much "new" Conference material, I couldn't decide what was most important. . . then I remembered Easter.
I love the chocolate, and coloured eggs, bright clothing, family gatherings and festive atmosphere that surrounds the idea of Easter. We, as Latterday Saints, should know there is much more to the celebrations than some others might.
In the April 1982 Ensign, Robert C. Patch, professor of ancient scripture, Brigham Young University says "It is easy to see how some secular traditions have become general symbols of the Resurrection and thus are part of present-day Easter celebrations. But they succeed as symbols only in a very general sense. While some of these traditions may seem to help some people appreciate the general nature of returning life, they do not by any means adequately represent the profound miracle that took place in our behalf—that Jesus Christ was literally dead in the flesh, but through divine power was raised to life again, assuring immortality for all mankind. In this regard, Elder James E. Talmage has written:
"This is indeed a day of days to all Christians. … It is the anniversary of the greatest event in all history, the most effective miracle known to man—a miracle surpassing all that the mind of man could of itself conceive. …"

Last year General Conference coincided with Easter Sunday. At that conference, President Monson concludes his talk "He is Risen" with the folowing:
"My beloved brothers and sisters, in our hour of deepest sorrow, we can receive profound peace from the words of the angel that first Easter morning: "He is not here: for he is risen."
He is risen! He is risen!
Tell it out with joyful voice.
He has burst his three days' prison;
Let the whole wide earth rejoice.
Death is conquered; man is free.
Christ has won the victory!"

My dear sisters, as we see the symbols of the season around us, I pray we will remember the miracle we are celebrating and the sacrifice that was made for us. With Love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek
Important Dates:
2-3 General Conference    
22    Good Friday    
24    Easter Sunday    

April Lessons:
2-3     General Conference
10    Gospel Principles- Lesson #30 Charity
17     Gospel Principles- Lesson #31 Honesty
24    TFOT- "Reflections on a Consecrated Life" - Pg 16 Nov. Ensign    
Service Projects:
  • Campbell soup labels for Puntledge Park School;
  • Boomer hats for babies;
  • Non-perishable food/personal hygiene items for Lilli House
  • Postage Stamps for the Order of the Eastern Star (see in the RS room for more information

April Birthdays:

2    Malinda Q.
12    Janelle C.    
14    Ilona D.
18    Lucy S.    
20    Denise B.    
21    Donna D.    
22    Joan B.
24    Donna G.
28     Marilyn S.

Groceries for our Missionaries:
There is a basket in the kitchen – the elders appreciate your help. Frozen food or perishables should be left in the frig/freezer.
April Visiting Teaching Message: The Purpose Of Relief Society
Scripture Study: Wednesday at Sister Tyskerud's from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (call to confirm)
If you require baptismal clothing, please contact Sister Britton