Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 2012 Friendship-er

The Friendship-er     February 2012

Diligently Seeking Revelation

Recently I read a story which really inspired me to want to more diligently seek spiritual guidance:

    A Relief Society sister in Brazil told of a time when she received the Lord's help:

"I have no way to reach the sisters by phone. We don't have telephones. So I go to my knees in prayer to find the sisters that need me that week. It never fails. [For instance], we had a dear young woman in our ward that had no clothes for her new baby. I had no idea when she was due but I knew that she was close. I got a group of sisters together and we made some clothes for her baby. We didn't want her to bring that baby home in newspapers. We could not telephone one another and so I prayed and I was told when I should go to the hospital with this layette [baby clothes]. When I arrived at the hospital she had just given birth to her baby and I was to present the clothes to her that were from her Relief Society sisters." (Daughters in My Kingdom, page 114-115)

I thought of how both the giver and the receiver of the baby clothes must have felt unified in knowing that God cares about the details of their lives.

"The Holy Ghost is a revelator – no man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelations." (Joseph Smith) The recognition and following of those promptings is the quest.

In Doctine and Covenants 8:2-3 we are reminded that God inspires us through our thoughts and feelings. This is the exact way that God led Moses through the Red Sea on dry ground.

Sisters, what are the Red Seas in your lives? Is there an obstacle in your path that seems to block your progression? In the story above, the seeming block of having no phone didn't prevent her from moving forward with faith. Sometimes the Red Seas in our lives are burdens that weigh heavy in our heart. These could be feelings of inadequacy, low self esteem, having a hard time forgiving others, fear, etc,.

After explaining how revelation works in our lives in D&C 8:4 it says, "This is thy gift, apply unto it." In other words seek to understand and follow the promptings when they come. It may help to write down the questions we seek and the good thoughts and feelings that come into our heart. As we put our thoughts into action we will be able to move forward with faith.

"Put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good – yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit. Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy; and then shall ye know… all things whatsoever ye desire of me, which are pertaining unto things of righteousness, in faith believing in me that you shall receive." (D&C 11:12-14)

I invite us all to apply this divine gift of revelation more in our daily lives. I know that as we do this, we will feel closer to God and more purpose in our lives.

Love, Nicole Anderson




Important Dates:

6    Temple Closed for Maintenance

14    Valentine's Day

19    Ward Conference    

21    Temple Reopens



February Lessons:

5    R.S. Presidency

12    George Albert Smith - Lesson # 3 Our Testimony of Jesus Christ

19    George Albert Smith - Lesson # 4 The Prophet Joseph Smith- The Lord's Instrument in Restoring the Truth

26    TFOT- "You Matter to Him" President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Nov. Ensign pg 74



Service Projects:

  • Campbell soup labels for Puntledge Park School;
  • Non-perishable food/personal hygiene items for Lilli House
  • Postage Stamps for the Order of the Eastern Star (see in the RS room for more information)


February Birthdays:

2    Tia P.

6    Andrea R.

8    Janae G.

13    Kim B.

14    Ruby Vera B.

14    Jennifer J.

16    Anne J.

17     Sarah J.

19    Billie L.

25     Carolin C.

25     Jo Ann G.

26     Glenda M.




Groceries for our Missionaries:

There is a basket in the kitchen – the elders appreciate your help. Frozen food or perishables should be left in the frig/freezer.

February Visiting Teaching Message:
Guardians of the Hearth


Scripture Study: Wednesday at Sister Tyskerud's from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Call to confirm)

If you require baptismal clothing, please contact Sister Britton






Phebe May – President

Nicole Anderson– First Counsellor

Laura Russell – Second Counsellor

Maggie Hodacsek- Secretary

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