Here are your announcements for this week:
- Stake Conference will be in Nanaimo on Sunday March 13th at 11 am, (don't forget and show up here).
- The RS Birthday dinner is on Wed. March 16 at 6pm. We still need help with food assignments and with an estimate of how many will attend. Please contact Robin Kramer with your info if you haven't seen a sign up sheet yet.
- March 18th is the ward talent show. Sign up in the hallway.
- Sister Hargreaves is improving, but still in hospital. She will be transferred to Nanaimo as soon as they have a bed for her.
- Brother and Sister Britton will be going to the Bishop's Storehouse (and Dan-D Bulk) in the next week or two. Let them know if they can pick anything up for you.
That's it for this week, have a great one!
With love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek