Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekly announcements 2/28/2011

Dear Sisters,

Here are your announcements for this week:
  • Stake Conference will be in Nanaimo on Sunday March 13th at 11 am, (don't forget and show up here).
  • The RS Birthday dinner is on Wed. March 16 at 6pm.  We still need help with food assignments and with an estimate of how many will attend.  Please contact Robin Kramer with your info if you haven't seen a sign up sheet yet.
  • March 18th is the ward talent show.  Sign up in the hallway.
  • Sister Hargreaves is improving, but still in hospital.  She will be transferred to Nanaimo as soon as they have a bed for her.
  • Brother and Sister Britton will be going to the Bishop's Storehouse (and Dan-D Bulk) in the next week or two.  Let them know if they can pick anything up for you.

That's it for this week, have a great one!
With love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekly announcements 2/14/2011

Happy Valentine's Day Sisters!
<3 <3 <3
This week's announcements are
  • Sister Hargreaves has had a serious stroke and remains in hospital.  A few short visits would be appreciated, but please avoid mealtimes.
  • Sister Dawkins is moving to Nanaimo.  There is a farewell luncheon for her at Monte Christo's at noon on the Wednesday the 16th.  Please contact Sister G. Tyskerude to RSVP if you will be coming.
  • Wednesday the 16th at 7pm we will be having an Ethnic Cooking night.  Come learn to make foriegn dishes at Sister Kramer's, then we will have a liitle taste of each.
  • Friday night the 18th at 7pm there is an adult activity at the church.  We will be playing games, so wear something comfy.  Please bring finger foods to share.
Have a great week, and stay dry.

With love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekly announcements 2/06/2011

Dear Sisters,

The announcements for this week;
  • A reminder to parents of youth travelling to/from Nanaimo;  please help out the drivers with a donation for gas of $5-10 each trip.
  • We are having our "Ethnic Cooking" meeting on Feb 16th- more datails soon.

That's it for now, have a great week!  With love, Sister Maggie Hodacsek

Friday, February 4, 2011

February Friendship-er

The Friendship-er     February 2011

We live in a most remarkable but challenging time. In the scriptures, we are warned to "beware lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness." 2 Peter 3:17

In Capernaum disciples who had followed the saviour would not accept that He was the Son of God. In John 6:66 we read; "From that time many of His disciples walked no more with Him." Jesus then asked the twelve, "Will ye also go away?"

None of us are immune to the influences of the world. How do we remain true to the Saviour? Elder Neil L. Anderson said that we need the believing heart of a child. He also said that two words signal danger ahead. These words are "OFFENDED" and "ASHAMED". In moments of weakness the adversary tries to lead us astray. At these times we need to be careful that we do not see offence where none is intended.

In Lehi's vision those that tasted of the fruit saw the people in a great and spacious building mocking them. The scripture reads, "After they had tasted of the fruit they were ashamed because of those who were scoffing at them, and they fell away into forbidden paths and were lost." We need to be firmly rooted so that we don't take offence and we are able to withstand any ridicule from those who challenge our faith. President Monson has promised- "Your testimony, when constantly nourished will keep you safe." I pray that we may all plant our roots deep so we will be able to answer the Lord's question "Will you also go away?" with a resounding "NEVER!"

Kathleen Creaser
Important Dates:

3    Chinese New Year
13    Ward Conference
14     Valentine's Day
16    RS Meeting-Ethnic Cooking

February Lessons:
6    R.S. Presidency
13    Gospel Principles-lesson #27 Work & Personal Responsibility
20    Gospel Principles Lesson #28 Service
27    TFOT- "Two Lines of Communication"
Elder Oaks- pg 83 of Nov Ensign
Service Projects:
  • Campbell soup labels for Puntledge Park School;
  • Boomer hats for babies;
  • Non-perishable food/personal hygiene items for Lilli House
  • Postage Stamps for the Order of the Eastern Star (see in the RS room for more information) 
February Birthdays:
8    Janae G.
13    Kim B.
14    Ruby Vera B.
14    Jennifer J.
16    Anne J.
23    Kim P.
25     Carolin C.
25     Jo Ann G.
Groceries for our Sister Missionaries:
There is a basket in the kitchen – the sisters appreciate your help. Frozen food or perishables should be left in the frig/freezer.

February Visiting Teaching Message:

Scripture Study: Wednesday at Sister Tyskerud's from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (call to confirm)